How was your weekend?

I've been asked this question quite often since I moved here. And I would usually simply smile and say "It was good" without elaborating. If you'd ask me now then I'd do the same, except this time I'd elaborate.
Assuming you've asked the question, here's my response:
:-) "It was good! I started my own farm in Facebook and managed to catch up on my friend who invited me to create my own farm. Though I had a mishap when all my grapes got wasted when I was not able to wake up early to harvest them. Anyway, I also went back to YoVille from time to time. I had to go to the widget factory to earn more money to buy furnitures for my apartment. I've started with the bedroom and the living room. They still need a lot of work. And I haven't even started with the kitchen and dining room.
"I also watched quite a number of videos. While I was busy tending my farm and apartment, I was loading DragonBall on YouTube. I was able to watch 17 episodes. I was having a good laugh watching them.
"I also made time to go to the cinemas and watched 2 movies. My roomie & I watched Star Trek last Saturday. It was a very good movie, makes me want to watch the series. Last night all of us housemates watched Angels & Demons. It was a good movie, too. I did not read the book on that though I figured out who the villain was, thanks to some stuff I learned from the Criminal Minds series. I just have to admit though that for a moment there I got thrown off the loop. But I recovered right away."
So there you have it. How about you? How was your weekend? ;-)
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