Independence Day

There are a lot of things that I missed about my home country, things that are distinctly Filipino. Aside from my family and friends - that's a given - I definitely miss the food. I also miss all the holidays we celebrate, or should I say what we do to celebrate the holidays: eating and/or a day at the beach (something else that I miss a lot).
The Philippines is celebrating its 111st Independence Day today. Naturally, everyone back home is having a holiday. No work. No school. I know for a fact that some are having a good time at the beach, just enjoying this special day of no commitments.
How I envy them! I'm here in a foreign land, working as usual and just hearing from my friends back home what a good time they are having.
Ok... It's not that I don't like my work because I do and I'm actually enjoying the challenge. I envy them because they are spending quality time with their loved ones, most probably having home-made Filipino food. And some of them are at the beach right now.
As for me and my Pinoy friends here... We 'celebrated' the Philippine Independence Day at our lunch break. One treated us to StarBucks. B-)
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