Mini-reunion @ Serangoon

Earlier today... err... Rather yesterday afternoon, I went to a friend's house for what we called a 'mini-reunion' with high school batchmates. There were only seven of us, so you can understand now why we used that term.
It was Rochie's idea and she even volunteered her apartment as the venue. Her place is located in Serangoon. It was my first time to be in that part of the city. When Agnes and I got off the train we headed directly for one of the exits. Unfortunately it was the wrong one. We had to go back inside the MRT station to find the right exit. It took us quite some time to figure out where we should go. Yes... we got lost. The signs were quite confusing, that's why I took a picture of it - a reminder of our adventure in that station.
Speaking of picture... I would've preferred to use a photo taken from our party, but we were having so much fun talking and laughing that I did not get to take one. Also, I did not bring my digicam because both of my batteries were dead. Anyway, Carrie Ann took photos from her phone's cam and some were taken by Aldrin's cam. I'll make sure to ask a copy of those photos later.
At the party, each of us brought food. There were chicken, macaroni salad, spaghetti, chapsuy, cheese cakes, ice cream, and beer. The whole time, even while eating, we were just talking, catching up on what's going with each of us. Even those who were not there did not escape from our conversations. Vera was like a showbiz talkshow host asking all sorts of questions. Each of us had a turn on the 'hot seat', except for Aldrin who was unusually 'quiet' and just played with the Wii. Ladiao was as talkative as ever.
It was a fun night. I can honestly say I enjoyed their company. It was already past midnight when we finished. When I got home I did not feel tired at all. And with our individual busy schedules, we can't really say when we can get together again. So for now all I can say is: until next time my friends and keep in touch. :)
P.S. Let's keep stalking each other in FB.
hahaha. keep stalking dyud. see i found your blog. hehehehe