What a start..
This is my desk calendar that I bought at Daiso, the $2-store. ^_^
As you can see, I had quite a lot going on even at the start of the year. I went home to Cebu for the New Year and stayed on for almost two weeks. I had a great time being back home. As usual I spent most of my time staying at home with my family and only went out to see some close friends.
When I got back to Singapore, however, I got sick. And some tasks sort of piled up when I got back to work. There was also my coming trip to Australia which I have not prepared at all except for the air ticket. I had a lot to think about and I couldn't focus well. It took quite a lot of effort to focus on one thing and work on it. Sometimes even at sleep I can't help but think of any one of the things that need to be done. I haven't been in this kind of situation for a long time. I was actually beginning to think that 2011 is just not my year. And honestly, it took a long time for things to settle and allow me some peace of mind.
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