No Caffein

I'm sick. Since yesterday. And yes, to my roommate's delight, I finally got to use one of my sick leaves.

Here's what happened: Wednesday night I went to bed around 11PM after calling home and since I had a very busy day I expected to fall asleep right away as I was very tired. But I had trouble falling into sleep. I also felt my heart beating fast. At around 1:30AM I got up to drink a glass of water and concentrated on relaxing my heart. It worked and my heartbeat returned to normal. Still, it wasn't until past 3AM that I got to sleep and I woke up at 8AM so that means I was only able to get around 5 hours of sleep tops. Thursday night I tried to sleep early, too. I was already on bed before 10PM. It wasn't until around 2AM that I finally got to sleep.

The following morning I woke up with a headache. I thought it would just go away. I didn't think of taking the day off since I find it troublesome to go to the doctor and ask for a medical certificate. Unlike in the Philippines, or at least in my previous companies there, where you can just call your boss or HR personnel to tell them that you're sick and taking the day off. Here you need to have a MC to be able to get the day off.

Anyway, as the morning progressed so did my headache. After having lunch I finally gave in and went to see the doctor. I told him what I just related here. He gave me some medicines and a MC so I could take the rest of the day off. He also forbade me from eating chocolates, drinking coffee, Coke, and iced tea.

I'm not really a coffee drinker, nor am I a chocolate person. I do drink Coke, but not as much as iced tea. So now it looks like I'll have to do with juices and water. No caffein for me.


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